Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Alyssa had her baby

Alyssa finally had her baby. Actually it was 7 weeks ago now but I am a little behind on the blogging scene. I realized that blogging is like a journal and if you don't keep up you are a bit overwhelmed by the number of events that need reporting! Alejandro Thomas Cabrales was 8 lbs 14 oz, and 21 inches long. His head was a little alien shaped the first day but he recovered quickly.

You can tell that he thinks I'm his favorite Aunt, next to Kaitlyn and Matisse that is.

Dad and I have pictures of each other taking pictures! Kevin usually looked more thrilled with the baby. In this picture he was probably enthralled with the graduation ceremony we were at.

My parents make such cute grandparents. We are trying to decide what to call them since they don't really like grandpa and grandma. For the moment we are going with Bella and Pops.

Right now he has these incredible blue eyes that we are hoping will stay blue.

Joel is so good with Alex. He even watched Alex by himself for a whole hour so Alyssa could take a nap.

Alyssa is excited to not have an enormous belly. Now she can tackle Joel again.

This picture has nothing to do with the baby but I thought it was so cute of my mom chasing Joel.

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