Sunday, October 14, 2007


When Kaitlyn was here we went to a corn maze place called Cornbelly's. I had never been to this maze before and it was pretty good except that there were speakers on big poles throughout that played the dumbest kids music you can imagine. There was one particularily annoying song that played about every 5 minuts that went,

"Sing after me kids.


(kids) C-O-R-N


(Kids) B-E-L-L-Y"

I think it got to me more than everyone else. Luckily there were a couple of supplementary activities that were very amusing. There was a jumping pillow that was like a big trampoline. There was also this spider web thing with a bunch of about 8 layers of stretchy orange vinyl criscrossed horazontally about one foot apart that you could climb up through. It was great fun. The best part was coming down. All you had to do was go into a pike position and you could slide through, butt first, all the way to the bottom. Another fun game we played was put corn down each other's shirts and pants (We pretty much left Kaitlyn's frient Mat out of that part). That was especially hazardous for Kaitlyn with a sister and brother-in-law both trying to pick on her for being the little sister. I think we accidentally broke her necklace in our effort to get corn in her sweatshirt. Was it worth it? I think so.


jaredandmatisse said...

When was Kaitlyn out there? Is that Jake, or Matt in the spider web? That looks like so much fun. Sorry about the music. -Tisse

jaredandmatisse said...

That sounds like the best time. I'm so disappointed that I wasn't able to join in the "corn in the clothes" game. Did the corn maze sell CD's of their music? - jared