Saturday, January 26, 2008

Fun on a Saturday afternoon

Today was such a beautiful day! It was atleast 45 degrees and the sun was shining. Patrick and I went up to Kelly's Grove up Hobble Creek Canyon. The snow was pretty deep and was going in the tops of our boots so we went under one of the pavilions to put on our snow pants. It was so warm laying on the tables in the sun that we stayed there for a while.

Then Patrick flopped into the snow and left a really neat print. He didn't sink in as far as he thought because the snow was really wet and sticky.Then we dug a little tunnel in the deep snow on this big log and decided to crawl through it. Patrick's shoulders are a little wider than mine, thankfully, so he had a bit more trouble than I did.

We found a big mound of what was probably dirt but the snow made it a perfect launch pad for what we dubbed "snow diving". This was my second flip and I tried to do a twist and ended up just flopping. It's funny, though.

Then we found some icicles that were huge.

There was a swing set which you had to dig out to swing on.

Patrick did a great 360 dismount.

And then I perfected the backward dismount.

The best was when Patrick decided to try to a back flip off the swing.

It's so great being married to someone that you have so much fun with.


jaredandmatisse said...

I think you should call the tube you went through the birth canal. Now you both know how little Hubert is going to feel. I think we should send Alyssa through so she can understand too. I love the back flips! Patrick, what were you thinking? It is funny, I have done the swing back flips on two dates (past of course) after doing it, my dates both thought they would give it a try, and they met misfortune. One feel flat on his back, knocking the wind out of himself, and the other...fell on his head. I think boy struggle with this trick.

Meghann said...

Matisse, you have actually done the back flip off the swing that Patrick was trying when he landed on his head? I thought it was against all the laws of physics.

jaredandmatisse said...

This is Jared. Matisse actually meant that she had done it your way, Meghann. Nobody in the history of the world has done it the way Patrick tried to do it. He would need to do a front flip on the back swing. I still think it's a miracle that he didn't land directly on his head.

Meghann said...

I'm glad you said that, Jared. I actually wanted to try a front flip off the back but Patrick thought that was too crazy an idea because he thought my legs would wrap around and get stuck in the swing. He thought his idea was better. Now I know he's crazy.

J. Melody said...

I have to chime in here that you're all a little nuts in my book. I would be paralyzed if I tried any of the above suggestions. Although, I think Casey would probably jump right in the fun if he were there.

I like the birth canal imagery since I'm on the virge of childbearing. It's looking like my baby may share Aunti Melody's birthday. What a privilege.

Maybe I'll see one of you in the hospital if you keep up the stunts...

EmilyCC said...

What fun pics and videos! *Almost* makes me wish we lived where it snows.