Thursday, January 3, 2008

Teaching Joel to Ski

Joel skiied for the first time on December 24th. He was a bit frustrated at times but he caught on really fast and I think he liked it. He said, "I think skiing is my new favorite sport. I learned to ski faster than any other sport." Here is a video of one of his last times down the hill that shows his amazing skill.

Patrick was there for most of the time to help me teach. I really didn't know what I was doing and I was glad to have some help.

Everyone came up to see how great Joel did and to cheer him on. We are so cute!

We shared some delicious sandwiches at the lodge to warm up. I included this picture because all three of us look so ridiculous. I hope my mom doesn't get too mad at me.

All in all, Joel did really great and I hope we have opened doors for his future as a skiier.

1 comment:

Eduardo, Alyssa, and Hubert said...

I love the picture of you, Mom, and Patrick. SOOOO glad you included it!